Выставка YogaExpo
Даты проведения: 10 мая — 12 мая 2011
Страна, Город: Германия, Штутгарт
Периодичность: Нет информации
Место проведения: Arena Nova
Организатор: World Market Center Las Vegas
Описание выставки:
For the first time the YogaExpo presents itself at the established Springfairs (Fruhjahrsmessen) which take place every year in the modern fairhalls of the Trade Fair Stuttgart. All together 7 fairs present themselves here- all under the similar objective of a healthier, more conscious and sustainable lifestyle.
For only a small entrance fee you will have access to all fairs like the Slow Food, FAIR TRADE, i-Mobility etc.
Yoga means to reconnect. In Stuttgart the YogaExpo connects with other fairs that contribute, each in their own individual way, to create more consciousness or awareness in the different areas of life.
We are looking forward to meet you there!