Выставка Wind Power India
Даты проведения: 17 апреля — 20 апреля 2013
Страна, Город: Индия, Ченнаи
Периодичность: раз в год
Место проведения: Southern Methodist University
Организатор: Landesanstalt fur Medien Nordrhein-Westfalen (LfM)
Описание выставки:
The potential for wind power generation on-shore of around 100,000 MW, virgin off-shore potential which is yet to be established, state-of-the-art manufacturing facilities with latest technologies and unequalled service maintenance makes the wind industry vibrant and exciting. Added to this, investor friendly policy, attractive feed in tariff based on wind density, Generation Based Incentive, over and above, feed in tariff and Renewable Energy Certificate trading mechanism will take the wind energy projects to greater heights when India is facing a challenge in thermal projects with imported coal.
India today is the fifth largest wind power market in the world and continues to grow. The year 2011 witnessed a capacity addition of 3000 MW and the market is expected to grow to 5000 MW on a year on year basis in the next 24 – 30 months. The objective of the event is to bring the global wind fraternity into India. Considering the fact that renewable sources of power are going to sustain the future energy market, the theme of the Conference is titled as POWER FOR EVER.