Выставка Saudi Agro-Food
16 Май 2013
Даты проведения: 10 мая — 11 мая 2012
Страна, Город: Саудовская Аравия, Рияд
Периодичность: раз в два года
Место проведения: Fiere di Verona
Организатор: Белэкспоцентр, ВК
Описание выставки:
Saudi Agro-Food is an international exhibition for food and beverage products, processing and packaging technologies and catering equipment and Saudi Arabia’s longest-standing food show. It offer exhibitors the perfect opportunity to showcase their cutting-edge products, equipment and technology, while meeting with the world’s leading food and beverage distributors, producers and agents. Whether you’re hoping to generate new business leads, consolidate existing links, or establish exciting new ones, Saudi Agro-Food is the show you can’t afford to miss.