Выставка The Southern Bridal Show
Даты проведения: 12 октября — 14 октября 2007
Страна, Город: США, Чарльзтон
Периодичность: Нет информации
Место проведения: Thessaloniki International Exhibition Center of HELEXPO
Организатор: Euroexpo Trade Fairs
Описание выставки:
Свадебная выставка
Brides are able to meet face to face with wedding professionals and find everything you need to create the wedding of your dreams! You can see a photographer»s pictures, taste samples of cakes and foods from the caterers, see your future gown and the tuxedo of your groom on the fashion show runway, listen to the music of your DJ, visualize the flowers that you will be carrying down the aisle, get ideas for your bridal registry, plan your honeymoon and so much more! In addition to getting lots of great ideas and seeing the latest trends, you will be able to save time and money while also having fun!