Выставка Shale Gas World Europe

19 Июл 2013

Выставка Shale Gas World Europe

Даты проведения: 08 мая — 10 мая 2011

Страна, Город: Польша, Варшава

Периодичность: Нет информации


Место проведения: Выставочный центр Атакент»»


Организатор: WASET — World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology

Описание выставки:

The 4th Shale Gas World Europe brings together more operators, blue chip suppliers, and government representatives than other events you might consider attending.

The event features a series of interviews, workshops, debates, and private roundtables across three core themes: Strategy &amp- Commercial- Geophysical, Drilling &amp- Completions- Water, Fluids, Environment &amp- Community Engagement.