Выставка SEE Congress & Exhibition on Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy
12 Дек 2013
Даты проведения: 10 апреля — 11 апреля 2010
Страна, Город: Болгария, София
Периодичность: раз в год
Место проведения: Hofburg Congress Center
Организатор: VNU Exhibitions Utrecht
Описание выставки:
On the South-East European Congress &- Exhibition on Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy in Sofia leading companies present innovative systems for bio, wind and hydro energy solutions for increasing energy efficiency, electric mobility and environmental services. The exhibition brings together experts from the fields of energy efficiency and renewable energies, with the aim of transferring кnow-how to promote and encourage investment in the South-East European sector to provide green energy. Visitors can also learn in detail and comprehensively about the latest developments, trends, services and products from the different areas. The conference includes sessions and interesting discussions about technology, best practices, finance, business strategies and policies and takes place alongside the exhibition.On the South-East European Congress &- Exhibition on Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy in Sofia leading companies present innovative systems for bio, wind and hydro energy solutions for increasing energy efficiency, electric mobility and environmental services. The exhibition brings together experts from the fields of energy efficiency and renewable energies, with the aim of transferring кnow-how to promote and encourage investment in the South-East European sector to provide green energy. Visitors can also learn in detail and comprehensively about the latest developments, trends, services and products from the different areas. The conference includes sessions and interesting discussions about technology, best practices, finance, business strategies and policies and takes place alongside the exhibition.