Выставка radaktiv
22 Ноя 2013
Даты проведения: 06 октября — 08 октября 2011(выставка закончилась, следующая выставка)
Страна, Город: Германия, Дюссельдорф
Периодичность: Нет информации
Место проведения: BITEC — Bangkok International Trade & Exhibition Centre
Организатор: Terrapinn Financial Training Europe, Middle-East, Americas
Описание выставки:
Once every year, over 50 exhibitors show what\»s possible on two wheels during the radaktiv: covering everything on the bicycle market from professional racing bikes over special mountain bikes up to electronic bikes like the Pedelec. All current bicycle types can be found, such as recumbent bikes, tandems, kid\»s bikes and bikes for transport as well as high quality tourer bikes. Everything can be tried out right there. On top of that of course numerous products and information surrounding clothing, safety and other equipment are offered. In addition many bicycle regions in Germany present themselves and their various offers.