Выставка Professional Learning Swiss
27 Июн 2013
Даты проведения: 07 сентября — 10 сентября 2007(выставка закончилась, следующая выставка)
Страна, Город: Швейцария, Цюрих
Периодичность: раз в два года
Место проведения: Agricenter
Организатор: Expourense
Описание выставки:
The trade fair Professional Learning Swiss is combined with the exhibition Personal Swiss. The fair gives opportunities to makes contact with the decisionmakers of the industry to produce and managers to make personnel managers, training managers and staff developers who appreciate the unique possibilities to network and exchange their knowledge in the context of the established HR meeting place. In addition to the extensive presentations by the exhibitors, practical forums as well as lectures and panel discussions will be offered.