Выставка Orthopedic & Rehacare Canton

25 Сен 2012

Выставка Orthopedic & Rehacare Canton

Даты проведения: 27 апреля — 01 мая 2009

Страна, Город: Китай, Гуанчжоу

Периодичность: Нет информации

Место проведения: Нет информации


Организатор: ООО Выставочный Центр ВЕТА»»


Описание выставки:

The Orthopedic &amp- Rehabilitationcare Canton is the annual meeting place for professionals in production and development in the orthopedic sector from China. At the trade show with a strategic and technical information service can inform visitors about the next generation of orthopedic devices and rehabilitation products. The present exhibitors cover the full spectrum of products and services of orthopedics and rehabilitation engineering: materials, design, manufacturing to consulting and outsourcing.