Выставка Optimising Offshore Electrical, Control & Instrumentation Systems
Даты проведения: 12 марта — 14 марта 2013
Страна, Город: Малайзия, Куала-Лумпур
Периодичность: раз в год
Место проведения: Нет информации
Организатор: Beacon Events Ltd.
Описание выставки:
Global competition for depleting oil and gas has driven owner-operators to explore and produce in harsh and hostile locations to access reserves. This has put pressure on operators to lower operating costs as well as finding and increasing recovery rates. Because of this, the reliability of electrical, control and instrumentation systems is crucial in maintaining operations to avoid production downtime.
However, many owner-operators are facing challenges such as unplanned scope changes, inconsistencies in both design and technology selections and lack of integration between information systems. There is a need to be in possession of the right information, in the right place, at the right time to make informed decisions.
Against this background, we are excited to launch Asia ONLY electrical, control and instrumentation event — Asia\»s first and only dedicated event for EC&-I engineers — Optimising Offshore Electrical, Control &- Instrumentation Systems 2012.
1st Optimising Offshore Electrical, Control &- Instrumentation Systems 2012 is aimed to help you improve design, equipment reliability and operational efficiency of electrical, control and instrumentation in the offshore industry.