Выставка Nacht der Unternehmen
26 Июн 2013
Даты проведения: 14 ноября — 16 ноября 2013
Страна, Город: Германия, Штутгарт
Периодичность: раз в год
Место проведения: Messepark Trier
Организатор: Крокус Экспо, Международный выставочный центр
Описание выставки:
The Night of the Companies in Stuttgart is a career fair for students and graduates. The job seekers can get information about the youth and recruiting skilled employees, direct entry, internship or dissertations. The campaign is supported by representatives of the regional economy in Stuttgart and would especially like to graduates and students towards a job or a new career in Stuttgart and the surrounding area show. Interested visitors can learn about the companies using the company\\\»s presentations, plant tours and by interview opportunities.