Выставка Land & Genuss
28 Окт 2013
Даты проведения: 21 сентября — 22 сентября 2013
Страна, Город: Германия, Франкфурт (Одер)
Периодичность: Нет информации
Место проведения: CIFCO — Centre International des Foires et Congres de Tunis
Организатор: Shanghai Buying Exhibition Co., Ltd.
Описание выставки:
Land &- Genuss is a fair for agriculture, nature and enjoyment. The visitor should be brought closer to nature. Various activities such as competitions, fun and interactive events are planned. There are also tasting stalls and a stage with cooking contests, craft demonstrations and a lot more. The fair likes to show how fascinating the experience of nature and agriculture may be even today.