Выставка Klima Forum

23 Окт 2013

Выставка Klima Forum

Даты проведения: 14 апреля — 22 апреля 2012

Страна, Город: Хорватия, Загреб

Периодичность: Нет информации

Место проведения: Нет информации

Организатор: McCormick Place

Описание выставки:

Klima Forum is an international forum for air conditioning and cooling systems. Manufacturers from all over the world present their latest products such as air conditioners, heat exchangers, cooling systems, refrigeration, hot water generators and much more. The exhibition is mainly used by architects, engineers, installers and wholesalers in single and claim to get information about the latest innovations and trends in the industry. It serves as a platform to expand business relationships or to pave the way and to establish contacts and maintain.