Выставка Interpadagogica
12 Июл 2013
Даты проведения: 16 февраля — 17 февраля 2013
Страна, Город: Австрия, Зальцбург
Периодичность: раз в год
Место проведения: Нет информации
Организатор: King»s Hall Exhibition & Conference Centre
Описание выставки:
The INTERPADAGOGICA is a travelling fair and this year it will be back in Salzburg. Exhibitors can look forward to the immense visitor potential of a catchment area including western Austria and the densely populated region of southern Bavaria. In Vienna in 2011 around 16,800 teachers and trainee educators came to collect information on training and further education. Nobody hoping to be successful in the education sector can afford to miss this show.
In an age dominated by information, education and the transfer of knowledge are becoming increasingly vital. Today’s performance-orientated society means a well-founded education is an essential component of personal success. Seize this opportunity and be an exhibitor at the INTERPADAGOGICA in Salzburg. For three days Messezentrum Salzburg will be completely given over to the issues of schooling, further training and education.
In an age dominated by information, education and the transfer of knowledge are becoming increasingly vital. Today’s performance-orientated society means a well-founded education is an essential component of personal success. Seize this opportunity and be an exhibitor at the INTERPADAGOGICA in Salzburg. For three days Messezentrum Salzburg will be completely given over to the issues of schooling, further training and education.
Тематические разделы выставки:
- Creative games and materials for early learning in nursery schools and playgroups
- Initiatives, packages, programmes and tips for encouraging good health, including equipment and instruments for fitness, sports and movement
- Functional facilities and ergonomic furniture for kindergartens, playgroups, nurseries and schools
- Modern equipment for specialised facilities
- New IT-sector technologies for everyday school applications
- Safer internet: Using Web 2.0 and social media, plus the potential and risks of the internet
- Didactically valuable and practice-orientated teaching and learning methods and equipment
- Information and packages available for school trips, projects, courses and programmes for experiencing nature at first hand
- School goes green. Projects and subsidisation for low-resource-consumption energy use and energy generation
- Instruments and suitable literature for music lessons
- All aspects of foreign languages from pre-school to adult education
- The very latest publications and books for playing and learning
- Information and courses for the further training of educators