Выставка IFLE
15 Апр 2013
Даты проведения: 15 октября — 18 октября 2013
Страна, Город: Китай, Гуанчжоу
Периодичность: раз в год
Место проведения: Puerto Rico Convention Center
Организатор: Parque de Exposicoes de Braga E.M.
Описание выставки:
Together with the simultaneously held Shoes &- Leather, the IFLE is the largest and most influential international trade fair for footwear and leather products in the whole of Asia. The exhibition is all about the latest collections of the mostly Asian manufacturers. Here especially branded products of the middle and high-end category are in the focus. The show\»s audience mainly consists of professional visitors like traders, importers, designers and purchasers. The IFLE is accompanied by an extensive supporting programme including seminars and a shoe design competition.