Выставка Flood and Coastal Management Australia
Даты проведения: 19 февраля — 21 февраля 2012(выставка закончилась, следующая выставка)
Страна, Город: Австралия, Сидней
Периодичность: Нет информации
Место проведения: Сибирь, Международный выставочно-деловой центр
Организатор: DakExpo Ltd.
Описание выставки:
Наводнение И Береговая Охрана Австралия
Flood &- Coastal Management World Australasia 2010 will be 2010’s central industry meeting place where policy, partnerships, strategy and projects for government and the private Sector are examined. Australasia’s only commercially driven government focused event.
Australia, like many continents faces significant and escalating exposure to extreme events including cyclone, tsunami, storm surge, erosion, flooding, flash flooding and climate change. When these events occur, they result in large scale loss of life, critical economic and social infrastructure damage and devastating financial fallout that amounts to billions of dollars annually.
The market needs collaboration across all levels government &- the private sector to develop coherent, creative, cost effective and sustainable solutions to these problems.