Выставка Expo Design
Даты проведения: 10 января — 13 января 2008
Страна, Город: Индия, Нью-Дели
Периодичность: два раза в год
Место проведения: Messe Essen
Организатор: КоСК ЭкспоГрад
Описание выставки:
Международная выставка-конференция выставочного оформления
Expo Design is an initiative to give a thorough professional approach to the Exhibition Designing, giving an insight to every possible detailing of the process. Expo Design, talks everything about designing an exhibition. The International Conference and Workshop on Exhibition Designing will take a close look at every aspect of stall fabrication, optimum space utility, designing facilities and services, and others. In short, right from the designing to the final product! It will also throw some light on the commercial side of the business like fulfilling clients’ aspirations and cost effective measures for the long term benefit of the sector.
Exhibition Display and Design Solutions professionals from round the country and international spectrum will be part of Expo Design to discuss the concerns with the futuristic approach. Latest trends and technologies will find the place in the discussions those will benefit the sector in totality.