Выставка BLOOOM
Даты проведения: 20 ноября — 25 ноября 2011(выставка закончилась, следующая выставка)
Страна, Город: Германия, Кельн
Периодичность: Нет информации
Место проведения: Fair Bolzano
Организатор: ЦентрЛесЭкспо, ОАО
Описание выставки:
The BLOOOM, which took place in 2010 for the first time sets up where others leave off art fairs: The first interdisciplinary exhibition of artists from the creative industries is the exhibition space and time in the ART.FAIR — fair of modern and contemporary art in Cologne integrated. Visitors can expect a variety of inspiring ideas and concepts individual gallery. The lineup ranges from exhibitors from the fields of visual and performing arts, design, music, fashion, literature, film, broadcasting, architecture, to representatives of press, advertising, software and games.